01947 602 510 admin.westcliff@yeat.co.uk

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At West Cliff we aim to bring history to life through good quality first teaching, well-planned visits and visitors that will inspire our children.

By the time our children leave primary education, we want them to have a natural curiosity about the past, understand how the past shapes the present and have the skills needed to examine a variety of sources. 


We aim to inspire children to be curious about the past and recognise its significance today. We want to equip children with the knowledge they need to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.  


We offer a curriculum that is guided by the national curriculum but goes beyond this to reflect our own local history. As children move through the school, they will build on their prior knowledge and make links to different aspects of the past.

  • In EYFS, we implement History through planned and purposeful play, exploring key historical vocabulary and learning about key events in their lives and in the world, throughout the year. We follow children’s interest but provide further challenge through adult interactions and by providing resources to learn about historical events.
  • Our history curriculum document which includes our ‘Big Ideas’.
    • Our learning will reflect these seven historical ’big ideas’. These concepts (and key vocabulary associated with each ’big idea’) will be interwoven into our curriculum and lessons. They will enable pupils to develop and embed their historical knowledge and understanding.


  • The ‘Big Ideas’ are supported by key questions that are embedded within our curriculum and run throughout the year groups to give a framework for children to hang their knowledge on and to aid retrieval of prior learning.
  • Learning across the curriculum is sequentially planned to build on knowledge and skills.
  • We ensure our staff have an excellent subject knowledge and high order questioning. 

Journey through our History curriculum below.

Our History Journey - Y6 updates


Our children

  • understand our past and their ancestors.
  • are passionate about History and its significance today.
  • talk confidently about History and their learning.

Professional judgements for History are recorded each term on our assessment system so impact can be measured.

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