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At West Cliff, we want all children to develop a love of reading.

As reading is so important to us here at school, we want to provide all children with access to a range of high-quality texts in our classes, to take home and to enjoy outside.

Children in Year 1 were very excited when the Reading Fairy delivered some new reading books and phonics resources to their classroom!

We love reading!

This year we've enjoyed visits to the library and visits fro mthe library. We've listened to stories, explored the library with treasure hunts, found out about the Library app and talked about our favourite books. One of the best parts was checking out our own books to bring home. A massive thank you to Whitby Library for having us!

We love reading our books using Borrow Box.

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An exciting visitor!

We were joined in school by author Jenny Pearson, who talked to us about all of her different books. We were also gifted a few copies of her books (which she also signed for us) for our own class libraries. What an amazing experience for us all!


Book Gifting

We were so lucky to be joined by the National Literacy Trust for some story telling. We listened to story blurbs, opening paragraphs, exciting chapters before we were allowed to choose our own book to take home with us. What a lovely gift - just in time for Christmas. A huge thank you to the Literacy Trust for our exciting books.

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Maths + English = FUN!

We enjoyed a very special visit from author Kjartan Poskitt. Kjartan has written a series of 'Murderous Maths' books, as well as a KS1 favourite, 'The Runaway Pea'. The afternoon was filled with storytelling, magic tricks and mathematical puzzles. It was an amazing experience and we loved it. Year 6 even managed to get their Murderous Maths books signed!



This year we were very excited to work with the National Literacy Trust and the Libraries for Primaries programme to create a library space in school. The addition of our new library with a wide selection of quality texts, allows children to choose to read for pleasure during break and lunchtimes. Trained librarians from Year 6 manage the borrowing of books, lead lunchtime library clubs and rotate the quality texts every half term. Don't worry, for our grown ups, we also have an adult library in the reception area, where books can be borrowed, read and returned to school after they have been enjoyed.
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Our reading hut and garden allow children to enjoy reading during playtime and lunchtime!

Over the past couple of years, we have been working hard to make some exciting changes to our books in school. As well as our reading hut in the playground, which we hope to be able to reopen in the Autumn Term, we have bought lots of interesting books to enjoy in our whole class reading sessions.

We have some amazing new reading books for our Early Years and Key Stage 1 classes as well as some beautiful ‘reading for pleasure books’. The children have loved these new additions and are trying their best to keep them looking as lovely as possible.

Over the summer holidays, we have bought some new exciting reads for our Key Stage 2 classes. Each class will have a number of books that are recommended reads for the year – let’s see if we can get through all of them! We ask that children take great care of these books and bring them back to school for others to enjoy.

We will continue to add to our reading areas with books from both old and new authors as well as some prize-winning fiction. If you would like to help us with this, we are continuously adding to our Amazon class wishlists, which can be accessed below. Any donations will gratefully received and we will acknowledge those donated by placing stickers in the front of our books.

Year 3 - https://amzn.eu/35nLTGX

Year 4 - https://amzn.eu/dzRBvW9

Year 5 - https://amzn.eu/dzRBvW9 

Year 6 - https://amzn.eu/dzRBvW9

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