01947 602 510 admin.westcliff@yeat.co.uk

Term Dates Safeguarding

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For Parents and Carers

Transition to Secondary


At the age of eleven children normally transfer to either Caedmon School or Eskdale School in Whitby.

During the autumn term Year 6 children and their parents are invited to open evenings at both schools before they make their choice.

In the summer term, members of staff from the secondary school will come to West Cliff to meet the children, talk to them and generally prepare them for the next step in their education. 'Transfer Days' will be arranged, usually in the penultimate week of Year 6, when they will actually travel to their chosen secondary school to meet their form teacher and classmates, follow the timetable and have lunch.

These transfer days are very successful, and reassure the children about the next stage of their education.


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