Disadvantaged Students
Allocation £66,154
At West Cliff, we believe there should be no barrier to success. Each child is supported, as an individual, to achieve their personal and academic potential. Our children, even if they face a disadvantage in their life, should be able to perform better than or at least as well as all other children nationally. We aim to achieve this through a personalised approach which places the individual student at the centre of everything we do.
10 steps to success for disadvantaged students
2. The Individual At West Cliff , we care for each student as an individual. We support each student, regardless of their circumstances. We understand the challenges families living in Whitby might face and create individual plans to overcome these. |
3. Barriers to learning Uniform and resources should never be a limit to a child’s success. Pupil premium students can receive support with the uniform and school equipment. If a child is struggling to get into school, we will always help. |
4. Cultural Experiences We will ensure all our children, despite their background, have the opportunity to explore a wide range of culture in the UK as part of their wider curriculum, including a week long residential to an outward bound centre and a programme of cultural enrichment trips. |
5. Character and culture Throughout their time in school, we ensure that children understand their own potential and how they can contribute to an ever changing world. We aim to show them the choices which are theirs to make. |
6. Reading We believe reading is central to success in all aspects of life and is essential in every subject. All children have access to high quality books that are ambitious, both to read at home and as part of the daily story time in classrooms |
7. Dream Big It is sometimes hard to know what you want to be. At West Cliff you are encouraged to believe that there are no limits if you are willing to work hard! |
8. A challenging and relevant curriculum Our curriculum is designed to support all children and ensures they access a broad range of subjects which fully prepare them for the next stage of their education |
9. Curriculum support and intervention We closely monitor and support all our children. If a child is struggling in a particular area, we will offer bespoke, focused intervention as early as possible. |
10. Tiger Taming We challenge all of our children to ‘Tame their tiger’ – this means to learn to manage the voice that tells you that you can’t achieve anything that you want to! We have 10 rules to tame our tigers! |