01947 602 510 admin.westcliff@yeat.co.uk

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Our School


Westcliff primary - in and around our school (42)

Our vision for children with special educational needs and disabilities is the same as for all children and young people – that they achieve well in their early years, at school and in college, and lead happy and fulfilled lives".

(SEND Code of Practice, Jan 15) 

“If a child cannot learn in the way we teach, then we must teach in a way that the child can learn”

(Ignacio Estrada)

The SENCO for West Cliff is Mrs Hazel Taylor.

At West Cliff Primary School we do believe that the purpose and the goals of education are the same for every child. We aim to ensure that the learning needs of all children are identified and met. We aim to make the path forward as smooth as possible for all children. From time to time, however, some children need extra help with their schoolwork. Such help may only be needed in certain areas or for a short time, and, whenever possible, we provide this support in class. On these occasions, specific work is set for the child which builds on his/her strengths to help overcome difficulties. Often small groups are set up so that children can be given more individual time and attention, and so they can build up their confidence. We also bear in mind that some children may be particularly talented in specific areas, and need to be extended.

Each class teacher is initially responsible for identifying children with special educational needs, and will liaise with the Special Education Needs Co-ordinator to plan a learning programme to help meet the children’s specific needs. This is regularly reviewed and parents are kept informed about this. Where necessary, the school will liaise with outside agencies such as the Pupil Support Service, the Educational Psychologist or the School Health Service.

We regard parents as a valuable resource in helping their own child overcome any difficulties. You are welcome to talk to the class teacher or Special Needs Co-ordinator about any problems you feel your child is having.

Please click here to view our offer for children with SEND

Please click here for the Local Authority Offer

Please click here for our SEND Policy

Please click here for our Equality information and objectives

Please click here for our accessibility plan

In 2020 we were proudly awarded the Good Diabetes Care in Schools Award!


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