01947 602 510 admin.westcliff@yeat.co.uk

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Our School

Sports Premium

Westcliff primary - in and around our school (45)


Through our varied provision we aim to encourage children to participate in a range of sporting activities, both during and after school. We aim to enable all children to develop fully according to their individual ability, and encourage them to improve their own performance.

We also aim to ensure that children understand the importance and value of teamwork. We encourage children to take pride in representing the school in various sports.

Sports Premium Funding

The PE and Sport Premium provides ring fenced money to primary school headteachers to improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils. The funding is provided jointly by the Department for Education, the Department of Health and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

This year our Sports Premium money is being spent as per the document below.  The impact of this will be evaluated at the end of the year.

2024/25 Allocation = £17,555

Click to see what we are spending our allocation on this year.

Click here to see the impact of our spending last year.

West Cliff is proud to be a Sportsmark Bronze School

West Cliff is proud to be a Sportsmark Bronze school. 
We are delighted that for a second year running, we have been accredited the Sportsmark Bronze award in 2024. We will be aiming for our accreditation again in July 2025.

 Westcliff primary - in and around our school (19)


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